办公电话: 010-82317936
1. 2018年9999js金沙老品牌教学成果特等奖
2. 2018年“凡舟”教育基金二等奖
3. 2018年研究生国家奖学金指导教师
4. 2018年“冯如杯”创意大赛一等奖指导教师
5. 2017年北京市教育教学成果(高等教育)一等奖
6. 2016年9999js金沙老品牌教学成果一等奖
7. 2014届本科毕业设计校级优秀毕业论文指导教师
8. 2013年北京市青年英才
9. 多届北京市物理实验竞赛一等奖指导教师
担任ACSapplied materials & interfaces、Solar EnergyMaterials and Solar Cells、Journal of Materials Chemistry、ElectrochimicaActa等期刊审稿人
1. YuXiao,Guobo Dong, Junji Guo, Qirong Liu, Qingjiao Huang, QianqianZhang, Xiaolan Zhong, Xungang Diao, Thickness dependent surface roughness ofsputteredLi2.5TaOxion conductor and its effect onelectro-optical performance ofinorganic monolithic electrochromic device, SolarEnergy Materials and SolarCells, 2018, 179: 319-327
2. Qirong Liu,Guobo Dong,Qianqian Chen, Junji Guo, Yu Xiao, Marie-Paule Delplancke-Ogletree, FrançoisReniers, Xungang Diao, Charge-transfer kineticsand cyclic properties ofinorganic all-solid-state electrochromic device withremarkably improved opticalmemory, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,2018, 174: 545-553
3. Yu Xiao,Guobo Dong,Qingjiao Huang, QirongLiu, Junji Guo, JiangLiu, Junying Zhang, Xungang Diao,Electro-opticalperformance of inorganic monolithic electrochromic device with apulsed DCsputtered Li(x)Mg(y)N ion conductor, Journal of Solid StateElectrochemistry,2018, 22(1): 275-283
4. Yilin Ding,Guobo Dong,Yuliang Zhou, Qirong Liu, Chao Wang, Mei Wang, Xungang Diao,Improvedperformance of all-thin-film electrochromic devices with two ZrO2protectivelayers,Ionics,2018, 24:2427-2434
5. Qingjiao Huang,Guobo Dong, YuXiao, Xungang Diao. Electrochemical studies of silicon nitrideelectron blockinglayer for all-solid-state inorganic electrochromic device, Electrochimica Acta,2017, 252: 331–337
6. Fan Zhang,Guobo Dong, JiangLiu, Shubing Ye, Xungang Diao. Polyvinyl butyral-based gel polymerelectrolytefilms for solid-state laminated electrochromic devices. Ionics, 2017, 23(7):1879-1888
7. Qirong Liu,Guobo Dong, Yu Xiao,Marie-PauleDelplancke-Ogletree, François Reniers, Xungang Diao.Electrolytes-relevant cyclic durability of nickel oxide thin films as anion-storage layer in an all-solid-state complementary electrochromic device.Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 2016, 157: 844–852.
8. Dongmei Dong, Wenwen Wang,GuoboDong, Fan Zhang, Hang Yu, Yingchun He and Xungang Diao. Improvedperformance of co-sputtered Ni–Ti oxide films for all-solid-stateelectrochromic devices.RSCAdvances, 2016, 6: 111148-111160.
9. Yuliang Zhou, Xungang Diao,GuoboDong,Zhonghou Wu, Dongmei Dong &Mei Wang.Enhancedtransmittance modulation of ITO/NiOx/ZrO2:H/WO3/ITOelectrochromic devices. Ionics, 2016, 22:25-32
10.Qirong Liu,Guobo Dong,YuXiao,Fangyuan Gao, Mei Wang, Qi Wang, Shuo Wang,Huaping Zuo,Xungang Diao. Anall-thin-film inorganic electrochromic device monolithically fabricated onflexible PET/ITO substrate by magnetron sputtering. Materials Letters, 2015,142: 232-234
11.Xingwang Song,Guobo Dong,Fangyuan Gao, Yu Xiao, Qirong Liu,Xungang Diao. Properties of NiOxand its influence upon all-thin-film ITO/NiOx/LiTaO3/WO3/ITOelectrochromic devices prepared by magnetron sputtering. Vacuum, 2015, 111:48-54
12.Guobo Dong,Ming Zhang, Mei Wang, Yingzi Li, Fangyuan Gao, Hui Yan, and Xungang Diao.Influences of film thickness on thestructural,electrical and optical properties of CuAlO2thin films.Superlattices and Microstructures, 2014, 71:177-184
13.Tingting Guo,Guobo Dong,Qiang Chen, Xungang Diao, and Fangyuan Gao. First-principles calculation onp-type conduction of (Sb, N) codoping in ZnO. Journal of Physics and Chemistryof Solids, 2014, 75(1): 42-47.
14.Tingting Guo,Guobo Dong,Qirong Liu, Mengying Wang, Mei Wang, Fangyuan Gao, Qiang Chen, Hui Yan, XungangDiao. Optimization of oxygen and pressure of ZnO:Al films deposited on PMMAsubstrates by facing target sputtering. Superlattices and Microstructures,2013, 64: 552-562.
15.Tingting Guo,Guobo Dong,Fangyuan Gao, Yu Xiao, Qiang Chen, and Xungang Diao. High performance ZnO:Alfilms deposited on PET substrates using facing target sputtering. AppliedSurface Science, 2013, 282: 467-471.
16.Guobo Dong,Ming Zhang, Mei Wang, Fang Tang, Hua Li, Anping Huang, and Hui Yan. Synthesis,electrical and optical properties of CuNdO2compound.Journalof Physics and Chemistry of Solids,2012, 73 (9): 1170-1172
17.叶子沐,张来,董国波,熊畅,唐芳,李华。基于法拉第磁光效应测量空间磁场,大学物理,2018,37(4): 70-76
18.李依然,董国波,唐芳,李朝荣,严琪琪,刁训刚,李华。夫兰克-赫兹实验控制栅电压对板流的作用探究,大学物理,2014,33(12): 56-60